In this example, we are going to show you how to fetch polyline points from Google Map Direction API and draw routes paths between two locations coordinates on Google Map in Flutter App.
Before starting, be sure you know very well to integrate Google Map in the Flutter app.
To draw route path polylines on Google Maps, get the API KEY from the Google console, and enable the following APIs.
Now get the API KEY as well from the "credentials" section.
Now, in AndroidManifest.xml file, add API Key like below:
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="YOUR MAP API KEY"/>
In iOS, Add your code like below in ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift
import UIKit
import Flutter
import GoogleMaps
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
GMSServices.provideAPIKey("YOUR KEY HERE")
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
Now, add google_maps_flutter, flutter_polyline_points Flutter packages in your project by adding the following lines in pubspec.yaml file:
sdk: flutter
google_maps_flutter: ^2.1.1
flutter_polyline_points: ^1.0.0
Set<Marker> markers = Set(); //markers for google map
LatLng startLocation = LatLng(27.6683619, 85.3101895);
LatLng endLocation = LatLng(27.6688312, 85.3077329);
markers.add(Marker( //add start location marker
markerId: MarkerId(startLocation.toString()),
position: startLocation, //position of marker
infoWindow: InfoWindow( //popup info
title: 'Starting Point ',
snippet: 'Start Marker',
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker, //Icon for Marker
markers.add(Marker( //add distination location marker
markerId: MarkerId(endLocation.toString()),
position: endLocation, //position of marker
infoWindow: InfoWindow( //popup info
title: 'Destination Point ',
snippet: 'Destination Marker',
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker, //Icon for Marker
markers: markers, //markers to show on map
PolylinePoints polylinePoints = PolylinePoints();
String googleAPiKey = "GOOGLE API KEY";
Map<PolylineId, Polyline> polylines = {};
LatLng startLocation = LatLng(27.6683619, 85.3101895);
LatLng endLocation = LatLng(27.6688312, 85.3077329);
List<LatLng> polylineCoordinates = [];
PolylineResult result = await polylinePoints.getRouteBetweenCoordinates(
PointLatLng(startLocation.latitude, startLocation.longitude),
PointLatLng(endLocation.latitude, endLocation.longitude),
travelMode: TravelMode.driving,
if (result.points.isNotEmpty) {
result.points.forEach((PointLatLng point) {
polylineCoordinates.add(LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude));
} else {
addPolyLine(List<LatLng> polylineCoordinates) {
PolylineId id = PolylineId("poly");
Polyline polyline = Polyline(
polylineId: id,
color: Colors.deepPurpleAccent,
points: polylineCoordinates,
width: 8,
polylines[id] = polyline;
setState(() {});
polylines: Set<Polyline>.of(polylines.values),
See the final code below, use the example as a reference to draw Direction Routes polylines on Google map in Flutter App.
If your polyline is not drawn, then have a look at How to Solve Poly Line Not Drawing on Google Map Flutter
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_polyline_points/flutter_polyline_points.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
void main(){
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Home(),
class Home extends StatefulWidget{
_HomeState createState() => _HomeState();
class _HomeState extends State<Home> {
GoogleMapController? mapController; //contrller for Google map
PolylinePoints polylinePoints = PolylinePoints();
String googleAPiKey = "GOOGLE MAP API KEY";
Set<Marker> markers = Set(); //markers for google map
Map<PolylineId, Polyline> polylines = {}; //polylines to show direction
LatLng startLocation = LatLng(27.6683619, 85.3101895);
LatLng endLocation = LatLng(27.6688312, 85.3077329);
void initState() {
markers.add(Marker( //add start location marker
markerId: MarkerId(startLocation.toString()),
position: startLocation, //position of marker
infoWindow: InfoWindow( //popup info
title: 'Starting Point ',
snippet: 'Start Marker',
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker, //Icon for Marker
markers.add(Marker( //add distination location marker
markerId: MarkerId(endLocation.toString()),
position: endLocation, //position of marker
infoWindow: InfoWindow( //popup info
title: 'Destination Point ',
snippet: 'Destination Marker',
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker, //Icon for Marker
getDirections(); //fetch direction polylines from Google API
getDirections() async {
List<LatLng> polylineCoordinates = [];
PolylineResult result = await polylinePoints.getRouteBetweenCoordinates(
PointLatLng(startLocation.latitude, startLocation.longitude),
PointLatLng(endLocation.latitude, endLocation.longitude),
travelMode: TravelMode.driving,
if (result.points.isNotEmpty) {
result.points.forEach((PointLatLng point) {
polylineCoordinates.add(LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude));
} else {
addPolyLine(List<LatLng> polylineCoordinates) {
PolylineId id = PolylineId("poly");
Polyline polyline = Polyline(
polylineId: id,
color: Colors.deepPurpleAccent,
points: polylineCoordinates,
width: 8,
polylines[id] = polyline;
setState(() {});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Route Driection in Google Map"),
backgroundColor: Colors.deepPurpleAccent,
body: GoogleMap( //Map widget from google_maps_flutter package
zoomGesturesEnabled: true, //enable Zoom in, out on map
initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition( //innital position in map
target: startLocation, //initial position
zoom: 16.0, //initial zoom level
markers: markers, //markers to show on map
polylines: Set<Polyline>.of(polylines.values), //polylines
mapType: MapType.normal, //map type
onMapCreated: (controller) { //method called when map is created
setState(() {
mapController = controller;
In this way, you can draw Direction routes polyline paths on Google Map in Flutter app.
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1 Commet on this Article
There is issue if coordinates is far away on such cases poly lines are not accurate