Flutter Installation

Learn to install Flutter SDK, environment on Windows, macOS, and Linux environment.

Install Flutter on Windows

Install Flutter on your windows operating system and start building apps. To install Flutter on windows, you must need minimum requirements as mentioned below:

Operating Systems Windows 7 SP1+ (64-bit), x86-64 based
Disk Space 1.32 GB (It does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
Windows Tools
Android Studio (Official), Visual Studio Code
Android SDK, Flutter SDK

If Git for Windows is already installed, make sure you can run git commands from the command prompt or PowerShell.

When you get all these tools on your Windows OS, It's time to install Flutter SDK on your Windows. Visit the official site to download the Flutter SDK and install it in your environment.

>> Click here to view the official Flutter SDK installation guide for Windows. 

After Installing Flutter SDK, install Android Studio from the official site. When you open Android Studio, it will install Android SDK which is very essential to run and build your Flutter Dart code to the app. If you use Android Studio as a code editing tool then install "Flutter" and "Dart" plugins in android studio. 

Finally, to check if everything is set up, run flutter doctor command, it will show you the flutter environment report if there is everything okay. 

flutter doctor

/* output 

Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 1.22.5, on Linux, locale en_US.UTF-8)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3)
[!] Android Studio (not installed)
[!] Connected device
    ! No devices available

! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.


Install Flutter on macOS

To install Flutter on macOS, you need to meet the following requirements already installed in your system.

Operating System macOS (64-bit)
Disk Space 2.8 GB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
Tools git 2.x
IDE Xcode (Official)

To install Flutter SDK on macOS, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Get the latest Flutter SDK installation bundle from the official site.

Step 2: Extract the installation bundle in the desired location. Use the commands below if you want to extract using the terminal. 

cd ~/development
unzip ~/Downloads/flutter_macos_1.22.6-stable.zip

Step 3: Add the flutter too to your path.

export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"

This command updates PATH for the current session, you can run flutter doctor to check if flutter is configured correctly. For permanent PATH configuration, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Edit $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc file. 

Step 2: Add the following line and change [PATH_TO_FLUTTER_GIT_DIRECTORY] with the location where you had extracted Flutter SDK.


Step 3: Run source $HOME/. to refresh the current terminal window, or open a new terminal window to automatically refresh the source file.

Now, Flutter SDK is fully configured, you can hit flutter doctor to check further configuration report. 

Install Flutter on Linux

To install Flutter on Linux, you need to meet the minimum requirements already installed on your operating system:

Operating Systems: Linux (64-bit)
Disk Space: 600 MB (It does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
git 2.x
Shared libraries:

The easiest way to install Flutter SDK on your Linux operating system is by using snapd. If you haven't installed snapd on your computer, then follow the official guide to install snapd on Linux

After installation of snapd, run the command below on the terminal.

sudo snap install flutter --classic

Once, Flutter is installed using snapd, run the command below to check either it is installed or not:

flutter sdk-path

In, this way you can install Flutter on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To build an app using Flutter, both Flutter SDK and Android SDK are required. Install Android Studio, it will install Android SDK with it.